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Directions for the Journey of Your Life

Why do I feel lost? Why is there this emptiness in me that I just can’t seem to fill? Why does it seem that I will forever be searching, hunting for the true direction in my life? 

When we are born, we begin our journey. It’s a journey that takes us farther and farther from the source of our existence. We are born as mental, physical, and spiritual beings; or, mind, body, and soul. As we’re introduced to the things of this world, we begin to grow away from that part of us that is spiritual, our soul, and more like that part of us that is physical, our body or our flesh. Our mind tends to try to please both body and soul, and the struggle begins. We feel lost, we feel empty!

The physical side of us, or the flesh, is all about us. As infants we cry out for attention, and get it, because we need that attention in order to survive. But even as we become able to sustain ourselves, we keep this dependency to have our needs met. As infants, the needs are pretty simple, food, warmth, shelter. As we grow, the needs become much more complex, most turning from actual needs, to desires. The things that most people strive for are emotional and physical relationships, approval, possessions, success, prestige, conquests; but the quest for these seem to never satisfy because they are not really needs.

So, we try to fill our lives with all these things. Yet, we still feel like something is missing. No amount of success, no amount of approval from man, no amount of possessions, or conquests, or prestige can truly satisfy the need that burns within you. Our world, or society, is intent ondissatisfaction. The world’s trap is contentment being camouflaged as the constant pursuit of something, something to bring us happiness, something to fill that hole inside ourselves. However, all the things that can be acquired through the body, or flesh, are temporary and only give a temporary sense of satisfaction. We continue to search, hunting for that magical amount of something. We feel empty, we feel lost!

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